Cold In the Light by Charles Allen Gramlich
Cold In the Light by Charles Allen Gramlich

Cold In the Light by Charles Allen Gramlich Cold In the Light by Charles Allen Gramlich Cold In the Light by Charles Allen Gramlich

An author really has to push their own work, but I think that’s become more common at the mainstream presses as well. Small presses also typically don’t have much in their budgets for promoting writers either. But, on the positive side, many small presses provide better royalty rates than the mainstream publishers, and if your book sells you can do OK. Small presses don’t have much of it, so authors can’t expect any significant gob of cash up front. What do you see as the major advantages and disadvantages of working with a small press? The Talera Cycle fantasy trilogy is being published by a small press, as was your 2002 horror novel Cold in the Light. Congratulations, Charles, on having two new sword-and-planet novels, Swords of Talera and Wings over Talera, published this spring by Borgo Press, and thank you for visiting my blog.

Cold In the Light by Charles Allen Gramlich