Instinto de Inez by Carlos Fuentes
Instinto de Inez by Carlos Fuentes

Instinto de Inez by Carlos Fuentes

Constancia y otras novelas para virgenes (coll 1989 trans Thomas Christensen as Constancia and Other Stories for Virgins coll 1990) is a series of complexly elaborate fables. In the same collection he included sf like "El que inventó la pólvora", about a planet where Entropy seems to work faster, but this proves to be all a conspiracy of world industry to induce consumption. From his first collection of short stories – Los días enmascarados (coll 1954 part trans Margaret Sayers Peden as Burnt Water, 1980) Fuentes made a foray into fantastic literature.

Instinto de Inez by Carlos Fuentes

(1928-2012) Mexican diplomat and author whose acerbic Magic Realism – a more worldly version of that idiom than found in the works of his coeval, Gabriel García Márquez (1928-2014) – featured in stories and novels from the 1950s on.

Instinto de Inez by Carlos Fuentes