Is it completely incorrect, as in is the opposite is true: That a clean place means the person is an angry or uptight person? So the judges would associate cleanliness with being a nice person? Meaning that a person is nice, kind, sympathetic. One of the big mistakes the teams would make is to use the cues like organization and cleanliness to predict if a person was high on the trait of agreeableness. What traits could not be accurately judged from looking at spaces? So this was another trait where the cues people used to form impressions were accurate in judging that person's personality. For instance you might see something very unusual like a bed made out of an old canoe. It's not usually a specific item, but rather the way the place is laid out. So people high on openness tend to have spaces that are distinctive and unusual. Those that score low tend towards the traditional and conventional. People who score high on this trait are those who like to try new things they like uncertainty.

And indeed, people who have spaces like that are correctly judged to be conscientious.Īnd another example is the trait of openness. They are organized, clean, they have spare supplies, their books are organized. Packed with original research and fascinating stories, Snoop is a captivating guidebook to our not-so-secret lives.So those sorts of people have spaces as you would expect. Bottom line: The insights we gain can boost our understanding of ourselves and sharpen our perceptions of others. If you know what to look for, you can figure out how reliable a new boyfriend is by peeking into his medicine cabinet or whether an employee is committed to her job by analyzing her cubicle.

What he has discovered is astonishing: when it comes to the most essential components of our personalities-from friendliness to flexibility-the things we own and the way we arrange them often say more about us than even our most intimate conversations. Gosling, one of the field’s most innovative researchers, dispatches teams of scientific snoops to poke around dorm rooms and offices, to see what can be learned about people simply from looking at their stuff. By exploring our private worlds (desks, bedrooms, even our clothes and our cars), he shows not only how we showcase our personalities in unexpected-and unplanned-ways, but also how we create personality in the first place, communicate it others, and interpret the world around us. Does what’s on your desk reveal what’s on your mind? Do those pictures on your walls tell true tales about you? And is your favorite outfit about to give you away? For the last ten years psychologist Sam Gosling has been studying how people project (and protect) their inner selves.